What's the difference between seeing the next available GP and booked online appointments?

See the next available GP online - Nationwide Booked appointment online - AKL, TGA, CHCH only
Nationwide casual and enrolled patients Auckland, Tauranga, Christchurch enrolled patients
Up to a 10 minute appointment 15 minute appointment
One-off condition or immediate need Ongoing medical condition or need
No doctor choice, see the next available GP Ability to choose your doctor
Same day appointment

Book an appointment up to 3 months in advance


  • Seeing the next available GP is an online walk-in service and is most suitable for immediate healthcare issues that can’t wait.

  • Booked online appointments are more suitable for routine non-urgent healthcare issues that are not time critical.

    At the moment, we can only offer booked appointments to those residing in Auckland, however we are expanding outside the region very soon!


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